
It’s currently raining out, it almost looks about as bad as I feel. I’m once again getting pulled down into the abyss of sadnesses and no one can even see it. I’m writing more hoping that it will help and it does a little.

I know what your thinking my fellow readers, she’s really that sad because of a stupid boy?! If you think that your wrong that’s not even close to the truth, but you’ll find that out very soon.

Rain cheers me up because the way I see rain is tears and pain and even after the pain and sparrows there’s a beautiful something at the end and I think that’s so wonderful, don’t you?

Girl Code.

A lot of stuff happened a few nights ago and also a lot of tears. It something I didn’t expect at least not now after all these years. I thought she was done with him, but I guess not.

I guess I should explain, you see I have like this guy since I met him. Then later I found out that my best friend had a thing for him too. So I did want I thought was best in that situation and I didn’t tell her because I didn’t want a stupid boy to get in the middle of our friendship.

A year past and I finally told her I liked him because I didn’t want to keep that from her anymore, but then I saw how much she liked him and I thought the reason she is doing nothing about it was because of ME so I lied for the sake of her. I don’t see how that’s bad do you?

Well that lied almost broke my friendship years later.

But I wasn’t the only one who lied. She told me she “kissed” him after she knew I liked him and later that she was over him. She said she was in love with another guy, yeah right that’s what she said about the other guy. The way I see it she’s never actually been in love because you can’t just get over them just like that and move on to the next in a couple of days.

The beginning of last week she was in “love” with this guy and she talked about marrying him and going to the prom with him next year, when she was old enough. he was older than her by a few years and his mom told them they weren’t allowed to date until she was eighteen which would be in four years.

He went to the prom with another girl because she couldn’t go without a date and my best friend wasn’t happy about that, but was still in “love” with him. while he was at prom her and her mom talk about how his mom hates her and they will probably will never be able to date and just like that she was over him.

Now it’s time for you to know about the part that almost broke our friendship apart forever.

She texted in a group message and said ” i’m planing on going to the prom with blank.” and I was confused because he has girlfriend plus he has told her before that he only likes her as a friend. she replies his girlfriend is moving so they’re breaking up. My heart broke in two because i didn’t think my best friend would even think about being with him after I told her it would hurt me, I definitely wouldn’t now matter how much I liked him or even “loved” him, it’s girl code. 

What do you think?